Vitalie World ( English)

Vitalie World ( English)

Ep.3 Grandma’s Farao

A story about how Vitaly almost died as a child
Vitalie World ( English)

Ep.5. A Money-strapped Student

Financially strapped international students
Vitalie World ( English)

Ep.6. 1994: The Day His Dreams Were Shattered

The death of his father and Vitalie's despair
Vitalie World ( English)

Ep.2 The Hidden Name

Ep2:The Real Name to Be Revealed After a Long Time,A Child That Supposedly Didn’t Exist
Vitalie World ( English)


The introduction of the artist Vitalie Zubco. His experiences in three countries which are Moldova, China and Japan. He studied at Beijing Central University of fine arts.
Vitalie World ( English)

Introduction of Vitalie Zubco by Mr.Enomoto

EnglishVitalie Zubco was a boy in his native Moldova when he saw Hokusai's "Under the Waves off Kanagawa" at an art muse...
Vitalie World ( English)

Ep.1:Staring From Behind

Little Vitalie was hooked on watching someone doing his work. It might have helped him with cultivating his art talent.VITALIE